Shipping Policy
Beddingset offers free US shipping on orders over $59 and free worldwide shipping on orders over $59.
Country/Region | Shipping Method | Cost | Shipping Time |
United States | Standard Shipping | US$4.9 (Free with your purchase over $59) | 10-15 Business Days |
Express Shipping | US$19.99 | 5-7 Business Days | |
International Shipping | Standard Shipping | US$7.9 (Free with your purchase over $59) |
10-15Business Days |
Express Shipping | US$19.99 | 5-7 Business Days |
Production Time: All orders are processed within 1 - 2 business days.
Processing Time: It takes 1 - 2 days to ship your order to our warehouse, put your name and address on it and ship out.
Shipping Time: Shipments within the USA take 10 - 13days. Typically it takes up to 10 - 15 business days to arrive at an international address. This time is from the date that it is shipped out, not the day the order is placed.
We ship Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the tracking link once your order ships which can take up to 48 hours to update. If you do not see your shipping confirmation email in your inbox after 1 business day, please try looking in your junk/spam or promotions folder.
Please kindly note: that we cannot be held accountable for any delays caused by the carrier.
If you're shipping to a country outside the U.S., your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are excluded from the international shipping fee you paid and levied once your package reaches your country.
Beddingset is NOT responsible for any duties, taxes, or additional charges that may be charged by Customs for international deliveries.
If you have any further questions, please contact our customer services at